坦桑尼亞農村電氣化率超過尼日利亞,Tanzania outpace Nigeria in rural electrification rates
Tanzania outpace Nigeria in rural electrification rates
據坦桑尼亞能源部長Medard Kalemani博士說,在坦桑尼亞農村地區部署農村電氣化的努力有所改進,使這個東非國家在非洲大陸處于領先地位。
坦桑尼亞每日新聞援引卡萊馬尼博士的話說,該國共有9001個村莊實現了聯網;其中3559個村莊通過正在進行的第三輪農村電氣化項目(REA III-1)實現了聯網。
他進一步表示,REA III-1將于2020年6月完工,但政府已與執行該項目的承包商達成一致,同意在兩個月前完成相關工作。因此,承包商預計在2020年4月31日前將項目移交給坦桑尼亞電力供應公司(Tanesco)。
Improved efforts to deploying rural electrification across rural Tanzania has placed the East African country in the top slot in the continent, according to Tanzania's Minister for Energy, Dr Medard Kalemani.
"Initially, Nigeria was the leading country by 72%, but we are now leading in the continent, as we have reached more than 74% now," said the minister.
Tanzania Daily News cited Dr Kalemani stating that a total of 9,001 villages in the country have been connected; of these 3,559 villages were connected through the first round of Phase Three Rural Electrification Project (REA III-1), which is ongoing.
He further said that REA III-1 will be completed in June 2020 but the government has agreed with the contractors executing the project to finish the relevant work two months earlier. As such the contractors are expected to hand over the project to Tanzania Electric Supply Company (Tanesco) by 31 April 2020.
For Masasi District, the minister said the government decided to review the action plan that enabled them to increase the number of villages that will benefit from the project in that district.
"In the original design, only a few villages were to benefit from this project. This is because other villages fall under the jurisdiction of councils or cities and not districts and thus did not meet the criteria since they had the status of streets and not villages," he explained.
He further explained that it had never happened before in history to have a district that had full coverage of electricity in all villages.
"But this time, the government has made it; there are 34 districts that are fully covered with power supply, the same spirit will spread countrywide," he said, adding that a total of 11,070 public institutions had also been connected to electricity between 2015 and 2019, up from 3,200 that were enjoying the service in the past.